This flowering field was especially fitting as a project to follow Memorial Day. My thanks to all who have served to protect our freedoms and our rights, whether that was military service, investigative journalism, or any other field of endeavor. Defending freedom is like laundry: a constant fight against a slide down entropy’s curve, but far easier to keep on top of than to deal with the mess if we just let it pile up!
This was one of the better pieces that I managed from Workshop Week (, an annual online event thrown by for scribe and artist type creatives. Thank you, Becca (, for putting together a great week! I found several new artists and letterers to follow, a few instructors whose classes will probably get purchased once I finish up (ha ha ha! I tell a blatantly ridiculous joke! I really mean ‘halve’) my stash of unfinished online courses.
I love working in the mediums I call “smoosh” or “squoosh”, depending on the day. If I have to wear an apron, wash or wipe my hands frequently, and vacuum afterwards, it counts. Pastels are possibly the most squoosh of all the smooshy mediums: graphite dust, charcoal in any form, pastels… they are so satisfying to do, but so messy. I’m usually rather fastidious about any kind of handiwork, but this is a case of consistency being the hobgoblin of small minds. My, what a pretentious way to excuse my occasional messy inclinations! LOL